The next forum will be on Tuesday 18th October at 7.30pm in the Library. More information (agenda) to come. Our gardeners have been busy mulching and pruning to keep ahead of the new spring growth. They have fertilised the lawns and will soon be completing maintenance on the sprinkler system

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Come along and hear about our plans and progress this year. We will explain the MYBos system we are implementing, present our plans for improvement to the pool surrounds, discuss our work on air conditioning for the heritage buildings, etc. Please prepare your questions / comments for the night!
The COM has approved the purchase and implementation of MyBos. MyBos will enable every resident in Willsmere to be able to log maintenance issue through a preloaded app or via the website.  MyBos will also enable residents to receive timely text messages to provide urgent or emergency

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On Monday and Tuesday, March 28 and 29, some maintenance works will be performed on the fire hydrant near apartments 250 and 251. While these works are under way there will be some closures of the internal road between gate 1 and gate 4 in the area of those apartments. It is also likely there may

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The Willsmere heritage report for this year is now available. Download the report here. One of the requirements of living in somewhere as fantastic as Willsmere is that we have to be audited regularly to make sure that we are keeping up with our heritage obligations. It is also a good way to learn

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We are in the process of renegotiating our pool servicing contract to ensure a more frequent and comprehensive coverage over the summer period. During summer we need weekly servicing to ensure the filter system is operating properly and the chemical balance is monitored and addressed more

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We have had a number of instances recently of glass bottles being brought into and left in the pool area. Please don't bring them in to the pool area. If one gets broken inside this area we will have to drain the pool to ensure glass is not in the pool itself. Plastic is fine, but definitely not

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We have finalised our budget for 2022 and we are happy to announce a 2% reduction in the budget, which will translate into a 2% reduction in owners corporation fees for the year. Taking the anticipated 2.5% increase in CPI into account, the effective reduction is around 4.5%. Thanks in part to a

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Update 24/1/22 We are happy to say that Petar is back from isolation and once again across everything at Willsmere. Our existing cleaning contractor, Keytes, will finish up today and the new contractor, Sharper, will begin work tomorrow but on a limited basis until they can assign a full time

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Following the 28 day interim period, and in the absence of any qualifying petition, the following special resolution has been passed by the OC and will take effect immediately.  The Owners Corporation hereby resolves by Special Resolution, pursuant to section 12 of the Owners Corporation Act

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Come on over to the Community garden to join the Christmas party. It's on now and going great. The band has set up and just started performing, the bbq is going strong and lots of food for everyone. And don't forget the Willsmere Christmas party is tomorrow! community garden crhistmas party 2021  
Thanks to everyone who was part of the Willsmere 2021 Christmas party and a special thank you to our wonderful chefs for the day.  It was the perfect way to end a very long year. Here are some photos from the day. They show what an awesome place Willsmere is and just how lucky we all are to be

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The damage to the townhouse roofs has been fully repaired. We beat the rain and averted any insurance claims. Thank you to Simon Mills (plumber) for his great efforts in this regard.  Willsmere has been cleaned up following the storms. Fallen trees have been cleared and debris removed from

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Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.