Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the recent Owners Forum.  The minutes are now available for download here. There was a large turn out with mostly very constructive feedback and criticism. Thank you to all CoM members who were able to attend as well as Krissy and Jay.  Thank you also

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Listen to author and psychologist, Jill Giese, talk about life at Willsmere in the days when it was still a lunatic asylum - ABC Conversations, Undercover in the asylum, 15 Mar 2019. Her book, “The Maddest Place on Earth”, for which Jill was awarded the 2018 Victorian Premier's History Award, is

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IMG 1839 2How To Intercom Infographic The new intercoms are installed and functioning better than expected! Residents are now able to recieve calls from their visitors at Willsmere's gates directly to their phone. Full instructions and how-to guide are available for download from the below link. Please save the following numbers to

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A big welcome to Tim & Mark from Van Leeuwen as our new gardeners and a big welcome back to Tim our Lawn Mower. Gardener Tim will be working here at Willsmere Monday to Thursday and Mark will work with Tim each Thursday. Lawnmower Tim will mow up to 26 times per annum. More frequently in the

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As most already know, a VCAT hearing was held last year about the Willsmere bus service, which found that a Special Resolution should have been passed to start a new bus service and since this had not occurred the service must be terminated as soon as allowable under the contract. The contract end

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It has come to management's attention that some residents may be experiencing issues with their windows in the heritage buildings, such as either show signs of wood rot, deterioration or are jammed/painted closed. Please report these issues to the Facility Manager with accompanying photos via email

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Please read the attached document for more information on the question of reconnecting the original Main Drive entrance to Willsmere. Info Paper available here  
Dear Owners and Residents, we live in a remarkable estate, sharing beautiful gardens and enviable common facilities. To maintain a harmonious community, rules are needed so that expectations are clear and consistent for everyone, built on courtesy and respect for your neighbours. At the

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Dear all, the swimming pool is back open again.  Thank you for your patience. We are still working on some remaining issues but we will do our best to minimise any disruption.
A big thank you to everyone who came to our annual Christmas party.It was a great time and a huge success.Thanks also to our Owners Corporation Manager, Krissy, for arranging everything.We had a bouncy castle, face painting, football lessons, a petting zoo and even Santa arriving on a fire engine

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If you have a 'real' Christmas Tree and are wanting to dispose of it, please do not just take it to the hard rubbish site.Regular council hard rubbish collections don't take Christmas Trees, you need to order a special one.Willsmere is allowed collection of up to 256 Christmas Trees, but due to

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The Bowling Green has been repaired and is now in the recovery phase. Doug (a bowling green specialist) from Melbourne Polytec has striped the top off the green to remove the thick unwanted thatch and weed. He will return in the next few days to mow and repair the edges. We simply need to keep the

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The final Owners Information Forum for 2018 will be held in the Library on Tuesday 11th of December commencing at 7.30pm. It will be solely focused on "all things financial". The Committee will present budget and expenditure information for the current year as well as budget projection for 2019.

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The Willsmere owners committee would like to announce the annual Willsmere Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 22 from 12 noon. This year the event will be held in the BBQ area closest to gate 1 as there is more space and plenty of shaded areas.  Krissy, our OCM, has done a great

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Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.