The easiest way for guests to find Willsmere is to tell them to come via Yarra Blvd. If navigating by Google Maps, use number 1 Wiltshire Drive as the destination.
Visitor parking is at the top of Wiltshire Drive and along front of Willsmere as noted below. Intercoms are at the main entrance and at pedestrian Gates 1 and 6. There is no access to the visitor car parking areas if your guests come via Hutchison Drive (Gate 6). Residents will have to meet them there and provide access via the security gates.
It is important to remember that visitors are also required to follow the rules and be considerate to other residents. The map further below may help direct visitors to your apartment. Click the map further below to open a high definition version with apartment numbers.
If you are interested in visiting Willsmere and don't know anyone who lives here, you may check the news on this site to find out when the open days are. We have open days at regular intervals and also participate in the Open House Melbourne program.
Click the map to open a high definition version
Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.