Willsmere Paint Colours

The Willsmere colours are replicas of the colours Willsmere was first painted when it was opened. Willys Keeble, the original heritage architect in the 1990s, has told us stories of painstakingly scraping off many decades of paint to get to the original colours when she was determining the colour scheme.

Elements that are in dark red /maroon are orginal, or reproductions of the original features. Items in olive or pale green designate features that were added during or after the conversion to apartments.  This is an easy way to tell which items are original.

Here are the definitions for each colour.Colour Schedule

This file is the original colour specification data from when the apartments were originally sold in the '90s.


Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.