Following the 28 day interim period, and in the absence of any qualifying petition, the following special resolution has been passed by the OC and will take effect immediately.
The Owners Corporation hereby resolves by Special Resolution, pursuant to section 12 of the Owners Corporation Act 2006, to provide a service to all Lot owners to maintain, repair and / or replace, or engage contractors to maintain, repair and/or replace, any roof, gutters, downpipes, outer walls or structural walls, including painting of all Lots that are private property, on the basis that the costs of these works will be borne by the Owners Corporation.
Thank you to all the owners who took the time to read the material, consider the issues and submit a vote. We had 70% of owners vote on the resolution, which was an outstanding level of participation.
Cheers, COM
Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.