Thank you to everyone who attended the Willsmere annual general meeting last week.
The votes have been counted for the 2018 CoM and the successful nominees are:

Mitra Anderon-Oliver
Simon (Jack) Lord
Marcus Benson
Andrew Brydon
Rachel Dennis
David Hall
Tom Dowd
Andrew Barrington
Marcia Luke
Angela Pedersoli
Nathan Alexander
Mitra Jazayeri

The majority of these people have been on the CoM for at least the last year and some for the last few years.
This represents a large committment of voluntary time and expertiese dedicated to improving the Willsmere estate.

To the new members this year, we welcome you and look forward to your input.



Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.