Whilst we are still working on how to better structure and strengthen our communications, please see an update on some highlights from our CoM meeting and last weeks. For further details, minutes and other useful documents please see Willsmere.net and the MICM Portal (PropertyIQ).

The pool

During the chilly part of the year, we have commissioned some works to improve the surrounds and function of the pool areas.

  • The pathing will be ground, sealed and finished to make the surfaces around the pools more walkable. This includes replacing the coping stones (edges of pool);
  • The solar system will be operational in next month or so, saving on future power costs;
  • The shelter posts will be reconditioned, removing rust and strengthening as needed to ensure both they look better but also remain structurally sound into the future;
  • Pool painting is planned to deal with flaking surfaces. This will occur when weather warms as this is necessary for the paint to properly cure. The aim is that the pool will only be out of action for a short time (less than a week)

Window cleaning

Window cleaning is underway. We acknowledge that more advance notice is needed so that residents may remove fly screens, close windows, etc. Petar will endeavour to provide more notice. There has been some anecdotal comments about the quality, so if you have concerns please raise these via MYBOS. Also note that the current approach is not perfect but seeks a balance of cost to benefit. We will continue to investigate other solutions that are more sustainable.


So that it is easier for people to see how an issue is managed, maintenance requests will remain open until resolved. Petar will keep requests open and update notes.

Townhouse roof works

  • Cleaning works continues over the next 2 months;
  • Roof plumbers are being engaged to inspect for costing full repairs (sealing replacements, flashing, etc) with the aim that repairs will not just “fix” failures but preventative replacements that will prolong the life span of the roof areas.

Heritage roof leaks

With recent rains there have been a number of leaks. There has been some difficulty sourcing contractors, but repairs will be done ASAP.


Improving transparency, communication & engagement

  • We are working through how to better share and communicate. We need to be confident that what we adopt is useful, feasible and may be managed into the future – we don’t want to over-promise. For the moment, we will continue alerting residents via the FB sites that updates are on the Willsmere.net and PropertyIQ sites. FB is simply not appropriate for covering details, consultation or dealing with issues;
  • Lot owners may have seen that draft CoM minutes are being loaded onto PropertyIQ portal. We will also upload some documents that are in draft such as our annual project schedule - this attempts to show what will be worked upon and when along with the normal maintenance activities.

We all have responsibilities

Respect and care: It is unacceptable for any of our staff or contractors to bear abuse or aggressive behaviour from anyone, let alone residents. There has been some recent incidents of direct abuse and anonymous aggressive notes. Any concerns should be respectfully raised with the Building Manager and/or MICM. This behaviour will not be tolerated, and the CoM support follow-up actions.

Volunteering and engagement: there are some terrific skills and experience in our community. As part of engagement and consultation, we would like to support setting up sub-committees or working teams of residents to help CoM refine and develop ideas. For example, asking residents with experience in children play to be part of a working group to engage, scope and design the children’s playground is an obvious one.

Tidiness and risk:

Some residents are continuing to dump inappropriate refuse in bins in corrals. There will come a time soon when council will not collect these leading to greater costs to all.

Verandas, common & private: Please refer to Clause 11 of the Willsmere Design Guidelines found on the Willsmere.net site. There has been a steady increase in concerns and complaints about materials and tidiness of some verandas and areas in public view.

2 new defibrillators have been installed: one in the centre-wing hallway and one opposite the function room.

Heritage hot water service and roof space issues
With MICM, we are working with the Victorian Building Authority and manufacturers on a proposed solution that would make the areas and units safer and compliant – mainly extra ventilation that would be ass sensitively installed with heritage approval. Once we have proposed solutions, we will share with lot owners on implementation.

Carpet replacement
Quotes will be sought for like for like replacements but using more insect-resistant materials.

Those of you who have registered with MyBos will have already received a message that the intercom at the front entry was recently replaced and as such we need to reprogram the numbers.

If you haven’t already sent Petar the numbers you would like entered in the intercom, please do so using the form on the Willsmere web site - https://willsmere.net/residents/intercom

The Intercom at gate 6 is faulty and has been sent away for repairs.  If it needs to be reprogrammed we will use the same data from the update form for that one.

If you’re a new resident or have changed details and haven’t requested the intercom details to be updated, please do so as well.

We recently had to upgrade the SIM cards in the intercoms and as such the caller ID they display has changed.  The new numbers are on the website in the link above along with any instructions for using the intercom if you are unsure.


Children’s playground
The first step will be surveying our kids on what they would like. This will help the design work so whatever is put in has the greatest likelihood of use. In addition, we want to look at older-persons playground too. It is well known that as we age, if we continue (even gentle) exercise that it aids balance and strength, in turn preventing and minimising risk of falls.

Solar power
Scoping is underway, and it has identified a number of significant issues and costs. Whilst we observe other residential areas installing such things as neighbourhood batteries, etc we have particular challenges here…….not least our supply network has limited capacity. Neighbourhood battery storage is costly and relies on having existing solar installations. This doesn’t mean it a dead issue, just that it requires more planning.


Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.