Please note - if you are a new resident or owner and would like to register for email news alerts, or access to the secure areas of this site, please use this register link, which can also be found at the bottom of every page.

If you are using this form to report any issues with the website, please include any relevant information such as error messages. To log maintenance requests, please use this page.

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Emergencies - Fire, Medical, Police

Call: 000

Callers should give the address as number 1 Wiltshire drive, then the apartment number. 
Emergency services have procudures for accessing Willsmere linked to that address format.

Ambulance Procedure to print out

Booroondara Police: 03 8851 1111

On-Site assistance between 8am to 4pm weekdays

Robert Regan - Facility Manager, 0466 554 534, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Facility Manager is available to handle resident’s requests during the day and provide assistance with operational issues. He will also manage move ins and move outs, minor maintenance issues and carry out minor repairs over the site.

Security issues affecting the Willsmere site (24 Hours)

For any serious security issues concerning Willsmere, please call 000 and report the matter to the police as the first option.

Willsmere now has a 24/7 call centre provided by BellRock Group (formerly ASF Security) on 1800 273 732. In the event of any security concern, call this number, explain the situation then they will assess and respond accordingly. This may range from sending out a patrol to investigate to calling for police response. If in your judgement a situation warrants contacting the police immediately, then please do not hesitate to do so.

Maintenance Issues affecting the Willsmere site (24 Hours)

For major issues requiring immediate attention, such as a main water pipe burst, leak in the roof, power outage or any other issue requiring action in less than 12 hours, residents should call the Facility Manager on his mobile number. Please only call this number for issues that are urgent and affecting the entire Willsmere complex.

For non-urgent, routine maintenance requests, please use the maintenance request form.

If you need a contractor for your own apartment, below is a list of contractors that can be called that offer a 24/7 service to residents at Willsmere.  They are able to open a Willsmere key box that gives them access to relevant areas around the complex at times when no Facility Manager is on site.

Water & Gas

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  - 0413 312040 - Simon's company has been doing plumbing works for Willsmere for many, many years.
  • Express Plumbing & Gas, Peter Shevlin - 0418361943,  Peter is a Willsmere resident and a qualified Plumber. Many residents have been using Peter and giving great recommendations on the Willsmere facebook page (
  • Yarra Valley Water 132 762


Bone Electrics

  • Damian Bone 0413 997 082
  • Peter Bone 0412 883 692

Locks & Windows

Owners Corporation Manager

Jin Xu, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0466 421 366


Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.