If you have a 'real' Christmas Tree and are wanting to dispose of it, please do not just take it to the hard rubbish site.Regular council hard rubbish collections don't take Christmas Trees, you need to order a special one.Willsmere is allowed collection of up to 256 Christmas Trees, but due to

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The Bowling Green has been repaired and is now in the recovery phase. Doug (a bowling green specialist) from Melbourne Polytec has striped the top off the green to remove the thick unwanted thatch and weed. He will return in the next few days to mow and repair the edges. We simply need to keep the

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The final Owners Information Forum for 2018 will be held in the Library on Tuesday 11th of December commencing at 7.30pm. It will be solely focused on "all things financial". The Committee will present budget and expenditure information for the current year as well as budget projection for 2019.

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The Willsmere owners committee would like to announce the annual Willsmere Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 22 from 12 noon. This year the event will be held in the BBQ area closest to gate 1 as there is more space and plenty of shaded areas.  Krissy, our OCM, has done a great

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As a follow up to previous communications, we are ready to proceed with the upgrade of the Willsmere Intercom system.To prepare for the upgrade, can all residents review the form linked below and fill in the details.Obviously only one form can be entered per residence, so make sure you confer with

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Realestate.com.au announced on October 31st the Top 10 Streets in Australia and Wiltshire Drive came in at No. 4! Here is a screenshot of our listing. Participation in Open House Melbourne has probably helped to elevate awareness and desirability, but our low denisty living with such great

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As most of you know by now, the Willsmere intercom has been faulty for some time.  Due to the unique nature of Willsmere, repairing such an old unit with 25 year old cabling over such long distances has been very difficult.  The repairers have exhausted nearly all avenues and short of a very

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As was discussed at the community meeting recently, for the first time at Willsmere (as far as we know) we are looking at a system of preventative maintenance rather than just having the vehicle gates repaired as they break down. Every three months they will be inspected and serviced and any

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Please be advised that Jay is on holidays for two weeks as of today. While he is away, Naval will be covering for him. Naval has covered for Devang and Joel in the past, so he knows the site and most residents may have seen him around.Naval is still contactable on the usual phone number or email

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In preparation for Wednesday's community engagement meeting about opeening up Main Drive to Willsmere, please take a look at the following items.1 - a document outlining the plans and objectives - here 2 - the report provided by TTM - here And here is the original notice of the meeting, which was

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To all Owners, please read this important Willsmere Insurance Notice.
We are pleased to introduce Jay Murray as our new facility manager. Jay brings experience in both facility management and resident services and is looking forward to using these skills to manage the uniqueness of Willsmere. Our Facility Manager contact details remain the same:

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Playmaker Bloom SPV Pty Ltd Productions and the STAN Network are currently filming a new series called “Bloom” and are intending to film the opening scene within the Bowling Green and Rose Garden courtyards of Wilsmere, Friday, 7th September from approximately 8:30am until 12noon. "Bloom" is a 6

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A community meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th September from 7:30pm in the library to discuss the possibility of creating a vehicular connection to Main Drive. MainDriveInvite2


Willsmere is located at 1 Wiltshire Drive Kew VIC 3101. Visitor access is via Yarra Boulevard.